Friday, 15 March 2013

Taking advantage of horse meat scandal

Some months ago there was a massive scandal that biggest supermarkets' beef burgers and meals contain horse DNA. But one offering from Tesco's Value range had 29% horse meat. As a result, supermarket lost 300m pounds off its market value and lost good reputation and image from its customers.
Recently, media was releasing news stories about real horse meat burgers at London pubs. Evening Standard wrote: "The Three Compasses in Hackney began grilling 100 per cent horse meat burgers on Tuesday, while the Lord Nelson in Southwark introduced the dish a fortnight ago."

Owner Lauren Johns said: “All across Europe, horse is considered a high-quality meat. We thought it’d be nice for people to try it and realise it’s really nice if prepared and sourced properly.”
Surprisingly, chef Michael Brown at the Three Compasses said:"50 burgers sold out in hours on Tuesday night". This just show that it caught customers attention and interest is that really burgers with real horse meat. It was quite easy to get so much attention because everyone were shocked about the scandal in supermarkets. Firstly, it might be considered as done on purpose or as a joke to taste and compare Tesco beef burgers with real horse meat burgers in the pub. Secondly, it is risky to start selling horse meat because of the attitude of people about it. From ancient time horse is like a companion who helps to work in the fields. Even people from a Borough Market said "it had not been widely advertised because customers considered horses “companions” rather than dinner".
Tesco. I do nott think is appropriate to sell and eat horse meat, but in today's life and food variety you cannot be surprised anymore.


Monday, 11 March 2013

Coca-Cola behind the scenes

One of the biggest brands Coca-Cola looks like it is trying to position themselves as a super brand that is doing everything right for their customers. Their CSR looks incredible, helping charities and supporting events such as Olympic games. Unfortunately, it seems that the giant brand is in trouble again.

Despite the fact that they released a ridiculous advert video about anti-obesity, now they failing to meet ethical standards, joining Mars and other companies. Evening Standard announce about an issue in February raised by Oxfam. It was said that "leading global brands are failing to ensure the well being of the workers who produce their products and are continuing to profit from a broken system they should be helping to fix".
The charity has compiled a Behind the Brands scorecard, which rates the "big 10" food companies in seven categories - the transparency of their supply chains and operations, how they ensure the rights of workers, how they protect women's rights, the management of water and land use, their policies to reduce the impacts of climate change and how they ensure the rights of the farmers who grow their ingredients.
The main issues were that companies do not have their own policies how they have to communicate with their suppliers. Also, there are no regulations and rules how eliminate discrimination against women throughout their supply chains. Besides, none of them has adequate policies to protect local communities from land and water grabs despite all of them sourcing commodities plagued by land rights violations, such as palm oil, soy and sugar.
After the matter was raised, Coca-Cola spokeswoman said that they are aware of Oxfam activities and trying to implement practises throughout their supply chains and support and build sustainable communities.
"We believe in creating economic opportunities for women and smallholder farmers as well as stewarding water and other natural resources within the more than 200 countries in which we operate".
At the end, they reached common ground with Oxfam, Coca-Cola spokeswoman said that "As part of The Coca-Cola Company's commitment to transparent, more sustainable and responsible business practises, we welcome a continuous dialogue with Oxfam that enables us to identify and address global challenges collaboratively."
So even the massive company is trying to position themselves and use good PR to attract more more customers they cannot hide the truth. Even the anti-obesity video shows that they are using persuasive message to convince their customers that the drink is good. On the other hand, as the Guardian journalist, Sally Peck, said: " The world’s most valuable brand thinks that you are naive. That isn’t at all true. 100 calories’ worth of spinach is your friend. 100 calories of Coca-Cola is little more than a guilty pleasure". So should we believe in everything what this big brand is saying?
The same thing about video and promise to Oxfam to improve and support their communities, will they do something? I guess no.